Hive Infestation

The Hive Has Arrived!
“Communication with our outer colonies was lost weeks ago, along with the scouts sent to investigate. They struck without warning or mercy! One minute our patrols reported an all clear; their next transmission was a hail for help. Our Fleet has just started to engage this mysterious menace, but so far their ships seem unstoppable. All we know of this insect-like race is that they swarm like hornets and destroy everything in their path like their nest was kicked over. From their three classes of drones up to their super-dreadnaughts these fierce enemies appear to be made of living ships perfectly adapted to surviving deep space or planet-fall. It is not known if they were once space faring creatures with natural offensive and defensive weapons, or they were converted into battle cruisers, or even if they were genetically engineered; but these bugs heal damage faster than we can inflict it. Their natural energy shields resist most forms of weapons and reduce any damage. Hopefully a weakness or a super-weapon can be found to defeat- SKRTTT-Aaagh!”
[Transmission lost]
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Hive Fleet Deal - Assault Group
The group consists of for one each of: Irresistible Sword, Devastator, Eviscerator, Ravager, Hornet..
Hive Fleet Deal - Attack Swarm
1-Dauntless (Super Carrier) 1-Evicerator (Heavy Cruiser) 1-Devastator (Heavy Destroyer) 2-Scorpion..
Hive Fleet Deal - Battle Swarm
1-Irresistible Sword (Super Dreadnought) Ravager (Battle-Cruiser) 2-Dagger (Escort Cruiser) 2-Horn..
Hive Fleet Deal - Royal Swarm
1-Queen of Millenia (Mothership) 1-Sword of Retribution (Battleship) 3-Wasps (Heavy Frigates) 2-Va..